Monday, November 23, 2009

capitalization, schmapitalization.

hello my friends.

if you've read my blog at all (which i'm guessing you haven't, because who reads random blogs?), you'll realize that i never ever capitalize anything that i write. just look at all those times i'm referring to myself! they're all just plain, small dotted-i's. and you know what? i like it that way. i mean, what is an i without a dot? i'll tell you what an i is without a dot. it's either the number 1 or lower-case l. how annoying is that? that we have completely different letters, yea, even numbers that look the same?? yes. it is super annoying. and you know what? an i with a dot has a lot of personality. you can turn that dot into a heart, a star, a flower, even a peace sign! therefore, that is one of the reasons i don't capitalize my letters.

but i have another reason.

it doesn't change the sentence structure or alter the meaning of a sentence. i can cApITalIZE diffeRenT leTteRs AlL i WanT aNd YoU stIll geT wHat i'M saYiNG. however, i always, always insert proper punctuation. because that can completely change a message! just look at the following example:

let's eat, john.
let's eat john!

you see? punctuation is imperative. but capitalization is not. therefore, that is one of the reasons i don't capitalize my letters.

but i have another reason.

i think that it adds a layer of personality. and especially in a case like this -- blogging, dear joyous blogging -- where i'm just spouting random thoughts that pop into my head, it's nice to have a little something that makes it especially mine. like not capitalizing letters. you really only capitalize letters in situations where you're trying to appear professional, or you would like a good grade. and while i conform to the standards of capitalization in those situations, i break free the second i get the chance. i believe in non-conformity and dotted-i's. therefore, that is one of the reasons i don't capitalize my letters.

but i have another reason.

the final explanation of my aversion to captial letters...IT'S SUCH A NUISANCE!! i really hate having to reach my pinky over to hit that shift button with every new sentence i make! plus, i just don't have the coordination that requires hitting the shift button and a letter button a the same time, and frequently, too frequently, my sentences look like this:

oNce upon a time...
cOnformity sucks because...
wE're going to meet on sAturday because...

doesn't that just look aesthetically challenged? and yes, while that particular style of typing has a lot of personality too, it is not the personality i'd like to convey. that typing is just not me. non-capitalization, SO me.

in addition to my lack of coordination creating a headache of that lousy shift button, it's also just extremely vexing. i hate that shift button. why is it in the stinking bottom corner of the keyboard? it causes so much unnecessary pinky reaching. and you know what? i'd like to save my pinky-reaching energy for much better tasks. like guitar hero. it's just so fulfilling to hit that orange button, defying the God-given design and joints in your fingers. isn't it a trip? but when you use the same tactics to hit the shift button to merely capitalize a letter, it's considerably less enjoyable. in fact, it's just a darn bother. down with the shift button. and down with capitalization!

and that is why i never capitalize my letters.

boredom buster of the day: please do you friendly neighborhood liz a favor, and let's look for ways to abolish capitalization. and the ____ shift button.

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